for organisations...

Once you have set up your supplier relationship, it’s time to start building your team. We strongly recommend that interviews be conducted in person however you can alternatively have Change Fox conduct a cultural fit interview and provide feedback into the decision-making process to be done remotely.

The objective of this phase is to;

  • Development or revision and updates of job description(s) and job advertisement(s)
  • Candidate screening and shortlisting
  • Development of interview questions and success criteria
  • Initial interviews and shortlisting
  • Facilitate interviews either onsite or remotely via Skype with you and your team
  • Provide recommendations on staffing choices and alignment with organisational requirements and culture

Want to know more? Check out these articles 

A direct discussion about offshoring right now

We all know that we are dealing with unprecented times with COVID-19 affecting businesses, communities and people across the world; I’d like talk about how this may or may not affect your organisations desire to offshore

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